Finding Joy in the Journey

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Big Girl

Tonight I asked M if she wanted to go potty before her bath.  She said "Okay" and then I sat her down and she went!  She has done this a few times.  I think she is almost ready.  It would be nice if she was potty trained before the baby comes.


The Birth Control Pill said...

she shoots she scores!!! way to go miss M!!!

Autumn said...

What a big girl! Crazy your #3 is right around the corner, how exciting! We will definitely have to surf soon after! Layne is in school Tuesday & Thursdays, so hopefully we can meet up on the other days soon!

Rockwell5 said...

Love it! What a happy girl! That is a great smile. Good luck on the potty training!

Erin said...

Yay for potty training! And I can't believe you only have couple weeks left before #3. that went by really fast for me...I dontvknow about you. :) hehehe

Dan & Stacy said...

Such a cute pic! Congrats Miss B! I wish Carter was potty trained!