Finding Joy in the Journey

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Happy Birthday Little Man!

I can't believe our little baby boy is 4! Time flies by so fast. His birthday was on Wednesday and we had donuts, pancakes and presents in the morning to celebrate. Later we went to the library for story time and we brought donut holes to all of his friends. They sang Happy Birthday to him. Then on Saturday we had a small family party to celebrate. He was in heaven.

Pizza party for dinner!

blowing out his candles.


Mama Bear said...

Fun times! Happy birthday, Curren! I can't believe you are FOUR already!

Tell Amber congrats for me! He is adorable!

Rockwell5 said...

Hooray for Curren! He is getting so big.

What a fun time in your new home! I am happy to hear it is finished and you are back in. That must be so exciting! Please post some pictures. I look forward to seeing it.

the bates motel said...

happy bday curren! wow that has gone fast! and so fun your back in hb! your house looks so cute! hope your feeling good! only another month or so right?