Finding Joy in the Journey

Monday, April 20, 2009


For family night during Easter week, we had a lesson about the easter story, then the kids colored some eggs.

The results.
Easter morning was so much fun with the kids.  They had such a blast looking for eggs around the house.

The family.

Looking for eggs outside.
Our cute neighbor Savannah came over for an easter egg hunt. 
Our little doll in her Easter dress.

CJ with his baby sister. He loves her so much!


Dan & Stacy said...

Cute pictures. Looks like you had a good Easter. Carter has that same Rock n Roll shirt that CJ is wearing. Love the baby's dress!

Anonymous said...

How cute. Your girls are such dolls and cj is such a babe! I love them all.

Rockwell5 said...

So cute! I love that last picture of C with baby girl, and I can't believe how long M's hair is getting. She is adorable! It looks like you had a really nice Easter.