Finding Joy in the Journey

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

January 2007

This is the newest addition to our family this year.  Maile Marie Beutler was born December 17, 2006.  She weighed six pounds eight ounces and was 17 1/2 inches long. We are looking forward to many fun memories with her in 2007.

Daddy and his new little girl.  She is all wrapped up like a burrito and ready for bed.
This is one of the few times Curren was actually happy to hold his little sister.  I think after I took this picture, Curren poked Maile's eye out.
Giving her loves.

This was a frustrating day, I was trying to take some cute picture of Maile, and Curren was destroying everything, notice the mess in the background.  I ended up with no cute photos and a messy house.
The hair from Johnny's much-needed haircut was placed on his Dad's head.  We thought it was pretty funny.
Curren with Papa Joe at his house in Oceanside.  Curren loves his papa Joe and always wants to play with him.  Here they are playing ball.
Maile and "GG."
Here is Papa Joe holding Maile.  I think he was a little nervous at first, but she was happy in his arms.  This was her first time meeting her Great Grandparents Joe and Jean Hennings.

My little eater.  He always eats so healthy.  Here he is in Grandma Jaycie and Papa Jim's backyard gnawing on a pear. 
Sweet sleeping beauty.  She was almost six weeks in these photos.

Happy 2nd birthday Curren!  We celebrated his 2nd birthday up at the Colorado River.  We had pizza, balloons, presents, cake, and ice cream.  What more could a kid ask for?

Hey why is she in my birthday picture?

More cake please.  Here is Curren doing the "more" sign.
He loved his new scooter.  He always tries to ride the other kid's scooters at the park.

These are some of Maile's first real smiles.  She is six weeks in these photos.

I love her big round blue eyes.
This was Maile's first trip to the Colorado River, and she loved it!
Curren loving his new little sister.

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