Finding Joy in the Journey

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Las Vegas

We left for Vegas on Friday to see Brandon and Kellie get married in the Las Vegas temple. We had fun playing in the pool and walking around town. The sleeping situation was kinda hard though. Miss B had a fever from teething and did not sleep well; CJ was upset because Miss B was upset (we experienced some major screaming). Miss B ended up sleeping in the bathroom which was okay until 7:00 AM when CJ woke up and had to do the big job.

Mommy and CJ playing in the water. I love having a waterproof camera.

CJ in mid leap.

Here is CJ swimming. I had no idea that he smiled underwater until I took this photo. He loves the water.

Fancy water fountain. CJ loves throwing coins in, and making wishes.

Kelly, Joey, and Brandon. Joey is a boy that Kelly adopted not too long ago. He requires a lot of work, but she was so selfless to adopt him. It is so wonderful because now he has a mommy and daddy that love him so much, and now they can be together forever. It was so sweet when he came into the room dressed in white to be sealed to them.

Kellie and Brandon.

Mommy and Miss B.

Giving Joey a big hug. We are so happy for him.

1 comment:

Chris & Jackie Kontoes said...

I am so happy for Brandon and his new family. Tears of happiness for their family welled up in my eyes as I tried to read the post. What an awesome family and what an awesome girl he found!