Finding Joy in the Journey

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Water Babies

Today we walked down to this little lagoon right by the river house. Pebbles crawled right into the freezing water and started playing. She loved it, I could not believe it. C-monster was also having a blast throwing rocks and splashing around. Later on we went back with our neighbor Kayley and had a picnic. It was such a gorgeous day. Later that afternoon JB took CJ for a ride on the wave runner. He had so much fun kept asking to go faster!

Miss B playing in the water.

CJ throwing rocks

C-monster and Kayley having a picnic.

Wave runner ride with Daddy.


Dan & Stacy said...

Cute pictures of your water babies. I can't believe how much your son looks like you!

lauren said...

we usually do easter at the river too, but this year we had to skip because my parents just put a new trailer on the property and it wasnt ready yet. where do you guys go? it looks like the almost the same spot were at. we are right after red rooster before water wheel, we'll have to meet up some time when were all out there to wake surf. we are there tons in the summer.