Finding Joy in the Journey

Friday, April 11, 2008


JB played softball last night. He came back looking like this. He pitched a ball and the guy blasted it straight back at his face. He did not even have time to react. He ended up with 4 stitches on his bottom lip. Have you ever seen bigger lips? I haven't.


the Koch's said...

Look at is this way, some people pay to have lips like that!! Hang in there, we hope you get better soon.

Dan & Stacy said...

That looks painful. Hope he feels better.

Feather Fam. said...
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Feather Fam. said...

WOW...that makes my stomach turn! Did you at least get the guy out? Win the game? Hope you feel better soon...good luck smoochin'

My Dearest Rich said...

oh my goodness Julie~ That seriously looks awful! I was totally thinking what your other friend was thinking with the lips. I mean, minus the stitches, that's what he'd look like with some lip injections! I am so sure the kissing has been fun! ha ha ha

Dre + Drew - Pacific Northwest Living - DuPont, WA said...

I just found your blog via Brianna's. I am so glad. Your little family is adorable. I would love to keep in touch. I would love to get your email so I can send you my blog. Talk to Brianna she has it, send me an email and I will send you a link to my blog. Love Deirdre

Ash said...

Oh man!!!! Ouch! I'm glad it didn't knock out teeth!

Moody Family... said...

lookin' good JB!